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August 13, 2014
Princeton Broadband Committee

Meeting Minutes August 13, 2014 7:00pm  - Town Hall Office, Princeton, MA

Chris Lynch from Millennium Design, and Phyllis Booth from The Landmark also attended.

Committee Members Present:

Stan Moss
Rich Wagner
Ned Utzig
Phil O’Brien
Dag Olsen
Petr Spacek


  • Approve 7/30 Minutes – Unanimously Approved.
  • Motion and vote to appoint Ned Utzig as Vice-Chairman of the Broadband Committee – Unanimously Approved.
  • Info on remote meeting participation from Stan seeing John K. may be unable to attend in person for an extended period.  John L. will look into getting a setup for the town, select board is in favor.  
  • Legal Counsel update on 8/12  update/minutes from Stan:  Progress was made.  John L. and Stan went to Holyoke to meet with Jack Ferriter of Ferriter & Ferriter, MLP attorneys.  Gave them relevant documents to date.   Highlights of review of the MLP laws.
  • Jack pointed out relevant chapters regarding MLP borrowing.  
  • MLP co-op with other MLPs discussed – section 47C.  
  • Section 55 – executive body of MLP. Mr. Ferriter cautioned that there is an inherent conflict between ratepayers and taxpayers, some cases where towns have sued their MLPs.
  • Section 56 – MLP business organization and equipment/supplies – this section removes MLP from stricter Mass General laws for procurement.
  • Mr. Ferriter’s opinion is that Princeton’s MLP procurement of a fiber network will require sealed bids.
  • Discussion on public/private partnership, and associated details on how finances would work.
  • Mr. Ferriter considers the public/private approach to be “new ground”, will be doing additional research and consultation.
  • Mr. Ferriter explained that if the town were to borrowed for up-front costs of make-ready that the amount if over $1-1.5M would require approval from Bond Counsel, and would likely be approved.
  • Stan asked Mr. Ferriter to analyze Matrix proposal in depth and provide information on whether any changes are needed.
  • Stan to schedule follow-up meeting.
  • Wired West membership:  Monica Webb, chair of Wired west contacted Stan.  Webb stated Wired West got more than the required number of votes to admit Princeton in.  Webb claimed Wired West was very enthusiastic about Princeton joining.  Stan contacted her, discussed membership issues and lobbying strategies. Monica confirmed IT bond bill passed and Governor signed it.  Waiting for MBI to name new executive director and to begin administering the state funds.   
  • MLP directors to vote/decide on joining Wired West.  
  • FCC Experiments in Rural Broadband.  Ned to obtain Town EIN number and other relevant info for FCC registration from Jim Dunbar & John L.
Action Items

  • Set up / actions for remote meeting attendees. (Stan)
  • FCC FRN number application number.   (Ned)
  • Follow-up meeting with Legal Counsel on MLP/Millennium MOU. (Stan)

Upcoming Agenda Items

  • Next meeting 8/27.
  • Summary of next attorney meeting.
  • Update on FCC application process.
Meeting adjourned  8:00 PM

Respectfully submitted,
Ned Utzig